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Having volcano activities meant I might as well add one onto the cake. Once making the cake, I realized that I should not have had the volcano exploding and lava flow because my son did not like that some dinosaurs did not survive. My son did tell me that it’s ok because we will save our dinosaurs on our cake. He’s such a sweetheart.

I used 2 flat cakes. I used rice krispies to make the volcano. It was a simple chocolate cake covered in ganache. Then I made a dark green buttercream because the Isla Nublar Island is not just covered in mud (and volcano) at the start. Plus I had these toy trees I planned to use, but they were a turquoise green and looked totally fake. I didn’t want fake. So I used my grass frosting tip and covered the trees and made splothes all over the cake. I wanted it to look like the grass had been walked on rather than nice and crisp. I watered/milked down the buttercream to make the red/orange and yellow more pourable to look like lava.
My son had picked a couple dinosaurs from our pile downstairs to put on the cake, BUT I we got lucky. I had forgotten to fill up the balloons at my Smiths grocery store the night before, so I had to make a quick run in the morning. While there, I scanned over the toys and the Jurassic World dinos and Owen (which my son loves) were half priced. So why not??

He wasn’t with me, so it was a nice surprise when I pulled out his cake for the party.
I did have one of the dinosaurs look like it was helping blow out the candles. I just thought it would be funny to put the candles in front of him and then it looked perfect when I lift the candles. I did tell my son he had better figure out how to blow the candles because the dinosaur would before him. ha ha ha

Check out Jurassic World activities that went with this cake!