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Like I mentioned, this was the 2nd Pokemon party, so I could NOT repeat the cake. Last time, we just did a large Pokeball. So instead I decided to make several small Pokeballs which I thought would make for easy pass out at cake time. (and it was) I think I’ll do a simple tutorial on how to make these because I thought they turned out super cute. I had wanted to buy a pack of tiny Pokemon to hide in the middle, BUT to get them there in a week or so it was too expensive when I knew there was a cheaper option that had slower shipping. But what the boys didn’t know didn’t hurt them! 🙂 However, that would have been an awesome surprise. (maybe next time – if there is a next time)

Here they are: They were definitely not perfect spheres, but in the display they were pretty fantastic and the boys didn’t worry about how round they were or little bumps that could be seen. I used some little Pokemon toys we had to put on the Pokeballs to give the touch of the connection.

Ok, I’m completely over the top and paid attention to the placement of the cake and ice cream. I bet the boys didn’t even notice and just started chowing down. BUT I put the Pokeball on the Pokeball picture and it was so cute. Yep, I’m nerdy, but it is details in the little things. Now if only I had a perfect sphere scooper to have made the ice cream a perfect sphere too. ha ha ha

Oh and there was a slight surprise inside! Over the top, but it is the details that make it fun!

Here are some details of how I got them so awesome! 🙂 I bought half dome baking sheet and made two colored cakes. Then I stuck the two colors together with buttercream frosting.

Then I put buttercream frosting all around the balls. I placed them in the freezer to make applying fondant easier.

Lesson learned: Don’t take out more than one or two at a time, because the frosting defrosts way too early! I had the fondant ready. I put half fondant on each part of the ball. Then I used black fondant on the middle and added in the circles.

Loved my cake!!!