I was very sure my son would want another dinosaur party, so I suggested PJ Masks before he could say he wanted dinosaurs again. (Which I am sure we will do dinosaurs again, but I preferred not two years in a row.)
He had just started watching the show PJ Masks and it appeared pretty cute. Plus great for boys and girls! Except, I didn’t know much about it since I like to really dig deep into my ideas for strong connections. So I watched a few shows and definitely liked the idea.
I just so happened to also have some large boxes (which never happens), so I was super excited to use them for something. One box I spray painted to look like the PJ Masks Headquarters. The other large box I used to make a large dumpster for two our activities for the party.
Party Prep:

Wear PJs: Kids were invited to wear their pjs. If I had the budget, I could have gotten them all matching ones, but we invited too many kids. If I had planned ahead, I could have gotten some material and sewed bottoms for everyone, but for future ideas I guess.

Large props: PJ Masks Headquarters – it was for a photo prop and decoration. I was pretty happy with how it turned out and my son was even more happy.

Party Activities:

GEKKO PRACTICE: Gekko has super strength, so we all took turns carrying that very large garbage dumpster. It was so fun to see their proud faces as they carried it.

WE ARE PJ MASKS: One of our simple activities was dressing up as the three pj masks and taking pictures with either our sibling (since we had siblings invited) or with neighbors or friends they knew. This way the kids all got a picture with people they knew. My son hopped in any pictures that needed a 3rd person. I enjoyed seeing which kids would do super hero poses and which ones preferred just to smile.

Our last activity was going “Into the night to save the day!” With lots of stress, I gasped and exclaimed their party bags had disappeared from our counter! Oh No! Then peeking in from the stairs were some PJ Masks villians!

I sent just a couple kids down “into the night to save the day” at a time. At each part of the obstacle course was a villian telling them what they need to do to get their treat bag.

First, they needed to jump from building to building (circle to circle). I had wanted to put building pictures up on the wall by each circle, but I did not have time to do that. Such is life. It’s the thought that counts.

After jumping from building to building, the next villian told them they needed to climb up to the bridge and walk across the bridge over the river. (blue tablecloth under a table)

Then the garbage dumpster was blocking their way, so they needed to use their mighty muscles to move it down the path for their last challenge.

They climbed through a tunnel!

Finally, they had to tiptoe through the path filled with black bombs! If they were not careful, the bombs could explode because they touched it instead of jumping over the bombs.

At the very end of the obstacle course, they “rescued” their treat bag and was able to take it upstairs and then leave. It was perfect timing actually.
While they waited for their turn to go get their treat bag, they watched a PJ Masks show.
Cake: Go check out the PJ Mask Cake here!