I love a good challenge and coming up with connective ideas. After having 2 kids, I decided it was time to do a Christmas card. After this decision, I looked over various ideas and at the same time was trying to figure out what to do for neighbor gifts. I am not the type of person who can justify spending lots of money on neighbor gifts, but I do want to do something to show people I appreciate their friendship. At this point, I decided it would be FUN to have our Christmas card match the neighbor gifts. Here is what I have come up with over the last few years.
Our very first Christmas card
2013 Santa’s Cookies and Milk
My sons were 3 and 9 months. I decided to do a milk and cookies Christmas card using pictures from a milk and cookies photo shoot. Then I baked a bunch of cookies and made lots of cookie dough. Some neighbors got baked cookies and a card or balls of cookie dough that they could either bake or freeze. Lots of people get treats at Christmas time, so the cookie dough sounded like a better idea about half way through baking cookies and glancing at the plates of treats on the counter top.
I loved this card- cutest picture shoot ever. Besides aren’t kids always wanting to eat some of Santa’s cookies and milk??!!

Christmas Card: Milk and Cookies Pictures
Neighbor Gifts: Chocolate chip cookies or cookie dough