YAY, for the first Books Giveaway on @booksgiveawayauthors! There are a lot of wonderful authors with lots of backgrounds and experiences sharing their books!
The following books are being sent to 1 lucky teacher, August 2020! Check them out! 😍

Self-confident Sandy is a fantastic book that shows kids that they can do things! Even when things are hard, we can learn how to do them! We must believe in ourselves! Read a longer Book Review on another post. This book can be purchased via Amazon here.

Written by an educator, “Omar, el Jaguar” is an award-winning finalist and a great resource for the Spanish classroom. There is an educator guide with ten lesson plans to implement the book. This story delivers a beautiful message of embracing diversity. Check out Andrea Olatunji website!

Do you remember being nervous for school? Katie has the first day jitters and isn’t sure what to do! Empower your children and students by showing them how easy it is to make friends. After all, a little kindness goes a long way. Perfect back to school story! Free worksheets, to use with “Kind Katie”, are available on www.laurencardoso.com. New worksheets are always being added. You can follow the author, Lauren Cardoso, on Instagram (@laurenckidsauthor) or you may subscribe to her email list to be notified. Don’t miss out!

“What Kind of World Would It Be?” shows how simple, daily social interactions such as a kind word, helping hand, or selfless act can have a positive impact on both yourself and others, and can fill the world with kindness. Discover more info, including free classroom worksheets at
Thank you for all your work!!

This amazing book helps children with allergies be comfortable sharing their “life” and other children understanding the caution involved with certain foods in the classroom. Read a longer book review on another post. This book can be purchased via Amazon here.

This sweet story shares how the class learns and grows together. Teachers don’t just teach academics. They also build a safe community like a family. This story can be purchased from Amazon.

This book has the best visuals to show your class the quiet ways we communicate. From the simple yes or no to asking to use the restroom, your classroom will have less distractions and interruptions. Order it for a teacher at Amazon or you can get a printable copy for posters or compile yourself from Teachers Pay Teachers.

“Soldier at the Door” is a recount from WWll through the eyes of a young girl. Enemy soldiers take over a quiet little town and 8-year old Sara has her life turned upside down. This serious, but heartwarming story teaches lessons about perseverance, faith, perspective and kindness. It’s ether book on Amazon!

Ajooni LOVES cake! Not only does she eat cake everyday for a week, they are different flavors. She learns a great lesson about selfishness and cooperation. You can order it here!

“Super Max and the Math Menace” is a story about finding the super in you to overcome test anxiety and use that power to help your friends overcome their anxiety as well. This book also has a Tips and Tricks section for overcoming test anxiety. Head over to her site.

Mythical Creatures’ Legendary Histories is an A to Z book that uses haiku to inform readers about myths around the world. Great for students in 3rd to 6th, this book includes background on haiku and a foreword by Vince Dorse of the comic Untold Tales of Bigfoot. Discover these creatures at https://zarfling.com!

“How our Skin Sparkles” This book helps children get comfortable in their skin. Using science and concept, this book helps you talk about topics like sibling relationships, diversity and inclusion. Written by multi-award winning author Aditi Wardhan Singh and founder of Raisingworldchildren.com
The following books are EBooks for the giveaway.

Follow Gabby on her day, where she uses an ‘I Statement’ to tell people how she feels. Her self-esteem and confidence grow as she learns to express her feelings! Perfect for parents, teachers, and counselors of Pre-K through Elementary kids. The author’s website is jenellefrench.com.

Akea is just one of the wolf stories by Elizabeth Jade who was just 14 years old when she wrote it. Akea is told through the eyes of the animals in a style likened to Jack London’s Call of the Wild. Check out this inspirational author’s books on her site!
If you want a chance to win future books follow @booksgiveawayauthors on Instagram!