I am no expert! But I have been an expert at faking my smile since I was a child. 😉
I have been happy and had many joys, but I also have had a lot of darkness inside that I had hid from people. 😞
So what I share is based off of my personal experience and what has helped me. I can’t promise it will be the fix all for everyone but I sure hope it helps you in your life to be better at being happy. ❤️
Here are 4 steps to take to make that smile real and to live a happier and more free life.
First, believe you are worth your happiness. 😍 By first accepting this as truth, you are allowing yourself to see more in you and then to fight for better because now you know you deserve it!
Second, figure out what is in your way of that true smile and happiness. Is there a past you haven’t moved on from? Is there a situation that hurt you so deeply that you’re afraid it will happen again? Are you overcome with anxiety or depression? Have you looked closer at your health to make sure your body and your mind can be happy and healthy? Are there environmental factors that are keeping you from your happiness or are you yourself keeping you from your own happiness?
I can tell you that most of those I have felt and struggled with. I took several months to target each one and combat it individually because I deserve better. YOU CAN TOO! Figure out which ones are in your way and then solve it. 💪🏼
Third, now it’s time to combat each of those standing in your way of your true smile and happiness. Each one is going to be different. I can’t solve all of those in one post, but I can share my insight for each if you’d like to message me. ❤️ Maybe in future I can type it all out but for now I am going to focus this post on the steps. Once you know the issue, you can combat it.
As one example: I knew what was standing in my way was me not my current environment. I was still hurting from my past, but it was ME not allowing myself to heal. It was ME not taking the steps to move past it. It was ME allowing the pain to control my thoughts. I soon saw it was ME that I needed to combat. The people in my life were not causing me this sadness, so for me I combated me. Others may need to change who they are around and their environment to be happier. ❤️
Fourth is actually something to work on the entire time, but I have it as fourth because I feel once you have started step 3, you are more likely to be successful with the fourth step.
Fourth, love yourself. Accept you can’t be perfect and give yourself grace! Forgive yourself when needed and move past the mistake. Stop comparing yourself to others because we all have strengths and weaknesses. Give yourself compliments- sincere ones- ask someone else if you aren’t able to see one yet. ❤️ Take care of your health. Get your body healthy.
Last piece is not a step. It’s CONSISTENCY. Don’t give up. You will fall backwards and you will doubt sometimes, don’t let that keep you from getting up and moving forward.
When ready, start addressing the next concern you listed in step 2. Go through the steps again. Each step gets you closer to your true smile. I feel like I should have a visual mapping to go with these steps. (Teacher in me)
You are worth every bit of love and happiness as anyone else. ❤️ SMILE and Have a wonderful day! 🥰
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