We could eat out every day, but that’s not smart for our wallets, bellies or well being. 🤪🤣 I mean my taste buds and relax part of my brain would love it!


These are my fave picks for traveling and considering food costs with my family. Especially when we travel to Cali and have the extra taxes and fees. 🙄

1. Resealable Jar Bags!

No joke, I have used these resealable jars for years and what I consider a hidden gem! I fill them with a variety of items, but my go to items for dinner have been: rice, seasonings, and pasta (if I need a smaller amount than a package). If I wanted to make beans I would pack those, but it’s vacay, let’s just do the canned beans.

I have used these for drinks as well chocolate milk powder, protein powder, koolaid (since I buy the big containers for home)

This time, I used the resealable jars for a sugar and cinnamon mixture for a breakfast item. It was also easy to put the ingredients in the jar bag and zip it up then mix it together! 👏🏼

Another way, I have used these jars when traveling is storing candy. I like to buy the dollar candy bags with a variety of items but then the bags don’t seal so the candy either gets hard or spills. These jars at both of those issues. this last trip I actually filled with candy so I didn’t have to take the whole bag. 

I have also used these to store things in my car! Mini spoons or regular silverware.

I was actually tempted to put laundry detergent in one of the jars, but I still had some laundry pods left to take! 

These are definitely a must have for me! I got mine on Amazon!

2. Snack Box

I use my snack box for everything and every trip even a long day of dance competition! This is definitely a must have item for family life, but it’s such a great item for travel as well!

Instead of buying my kids, each of the snacks they wanted I knew they would not eat through the whole bag while on vacation (they would eat it in a day at home 🙄🤣🤪). So this time, I filled two containers each with their favorites. They all like each other snacks so they were told they could eat any of the snacks provided. I just tried to make sure each child had a snack that they really wanted.

This last time I filled it with goldfish pretzels, and cheez its per request. The other ones I filled with just other snacks I already had at home. This container made sure that the crackers and pretzels did not get smashed in the travel.

It also saved money on food because we only took what they were probably going to eat, so the rest stayed at home to enjoy when we got home.

These snack boxes were even amazed by other families! They really are a must have! I found them on Amazon!

3. Meal baskets!

Ok, this is also my vacation and this mom doesn’t want to be doing a bunch of dishes all day and night. 🙄

So I pack these meal baskets instead!

There are some meals I can’t use these with like our pancake breakfast or cereal🤪, but there are several meals I can!

We used these on bbq nights, easy pasta dinners and when splitting meals we picked up to enjoy at the hotel/condo.

I also used these baskets for our beach lunches. I used them to pack sandwhiches so they didn’t get smooshed. 😏 Best Idea Ever!

I held the container and passed out sandwiches, but on the times I have a table, I’d just put it on there. Another time, I gave one person a sandwich wrapped in the paper and the other person a sandwich in the plastic basket. These also helped me sort out the variety of sandwiches. 🤪 You know, the person that doesn’t want mayo. And the person that wants mustard added on. Or the different meat. 😜 This was the one moment I had wished I had bought the multiple color pack. 🤪🤣 But I figured kids fighting over colors didn’t sound enjoyable. 🙄🤣 Ps- sit next to your basket person for easy passing out. 😁 Overthink much? Yep, sure do.

I love these meal baskets and I got them from Amazon of course!

Oh, and the paper is a staple in my house as well. I used them several times on vacay to wrap sandwiches, separate food and instead of plates. These Deli papers are awesome!

4. Reusable Food Covers

This may not sound like a big deal, but these food wraps are a huge help when

1. The lid doesn’t fit because it’s slightly too full.

2. You have melons and you don’t want to cut the entire thing.

3. You don’t have Tupperware, but have a serving bowl or other container that holds food.

Our condo came with serving dishes, but nothing to store food in, so these were great! Use the food covers at home too!

If needed, you can also use them to cover or under sandy, muddy or too dirty toys, shoes, or whatever else. Keeps the sand contained!

5. Tupperware Container

Simple sure, but not always thought of!

I really like having these Tupperware containers for snacks, but also to use for taking meals to the beach or other location we need to take food. Anything to keep my life easier is great! Like when the kids can’t find something in the fridge and you have to go show them it’s in an obvious spot. 🙄OR There’s a lot of random things in there and you get annoyed looking for something that you know you have, but can’t find bc it’s not your typical fridge.

How I used this Tupperware box for the fridge: I put all the lunch items (meats and cheese, packets of mustard in it. I also had some small items I didn’t want getting pushed around, so those went in there as well for an easy grab when it was time to make it.

It’s really not a big deal, but enough for me to always take.

On one of our long days out, I brought along our snack box and added a freezer pack because summer could get a tad too hot in the car. Worked like a charm.

I got this lunchbox size freezer pack from Amazon.

My Top 5 Traveling Kitchen Itens shared!

Only 5 isn’t too bad especially when you’re traveling with a family of 6. 😁

I have this rule of thinking when it comes to shopping. I love shopping, but I’m a teacher (and a part time teacher on top of that). 😜 So to help me spend money right, I think can and will I use this 3 times? W

With these kitchen items, think will these items be of value and provide me a little bit of stress relief? Do these items solve a problem I may have?

If you can say yes to those, then just get it now rather then being frustrated you don’t have it later and need it! Shop my Travel Faves Amazon List to see them all!

Follow me in social media for life good ideas and hacks with some real life surviving and fun!