For Teachers: Starting back at school has a lot of consequences all related to your health, energy and mental state. It’s an exhausting period of time where you get very little to yourself. Plus after a long day talking, trying your patience and walking 15,000+ steps, a teacher is going to be exhausted.

To help not just survive and mentally wearing yourself down at back to school time, there are some things you can do to make the first two months a little less stressful at home.

I honestly just can’t handle feeling like I am failing at home all the time the first couple months of school. I decided to come up with a plan to help me feel a little less hectic. Plus I don’t feel as bad/guilty for the not doing things I am too exhausted to do at home.

I also know that I need a little extra self-care BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS because for the next two months I’m going to give so much to everyone else that I will be too exhausted to give to myself. I’ll try to still take care of me, but just in case, I spoil myself before!

These are what I came up to help me at back to school time:

There’s a due load at the end, so you can plan yours! ❤️

1. Do something you LOVE!

It’s taken me 15 years to learn this is a must have I should have been doing for years.

I first discovered this because of my “Heart break” because the first year I wasn’t teaching elementary school (switched to a preschool owner), the way I avoided crying all day was I went paddle boarding with a friend. ❤️I way for me to not think about doing what I always planned on doing. The next year, I was still sad, but not as sad. I still decided to go paddle boarding. It was then I realized I should be doing something I love every year before school starts because I will be too busy and too tired to make sure I do something I love doing. ❤️It’s going to be a little while before I do something like this because I would rather just chill at home and rest.

Going on year 3 as a preschool owner, I am making the plans to do fun things before school starts. I mean at least 1 fun thing just for ME! “Not worrying about my kids” activity. 😉

Do this! YOU DESERVE SOME ME TIME because you’re going to be giving a lot to your students/classroom, your kids, and your house. It may take a few weeks to feel like you can do something just for you.

You may be better than me and be totally good at taking ME time… I am not. 🤪

2. Self Care

This encompasses a few things and each of us have our own way of self care. ❤️ Go with what you need. These are what I need in my life for my priorities.

Physical Self Care

I take care of my appearance as one major thing. I get a haircut! (Sometimes colored) It’s a wonderful feeling and feels refreshed for school! Besides who wants ragged hair when their body is going to feel ragged. 😳🤪🤣

I also get a pedicure! I’m not a manicure person, but I could probably use it. I am not a nail person and don’t get these very often, so they are extra self care for me. So for me, this is some extra self care.

If you do these frequently, you may not need to do this one, but if you’re like me, do this for you. It’s so nice for me to look down at my tired feet and think, “At least my toes don’t look dead.”🤣

Get some more sleep. I am still working on this, but I know an extra hour of sleep for a week before may be just the prep my body needs. For me, this is easier said than done. I might not even attempt it, but hey its a goal.

Exercise/Move your body. I know when school starts, exercising is the last thing my body is thinking I need. If you’re going to be like that too, take some time before school start to get some extra moving in. You don’t need to feel guilty if you don’t exercise before or even when school starts. No matter what don’t stress your body about exercising when school starts. Your mental strain is using your energy right now, so trying to exercise on what little energy you have is just not worth it. I do believe exercise is good and if you can DO IT, but I know I personally feel so overwhelmed, I don’t want to stress exercising.

Mental Self Care

Plan to Rest! This is difficult for me! I don’t rest very well in general. But the start of school for me as a teacher is exhausting and it’s also stressful as a mom with kids starting school.

Mine is probably abnormal because I am just different and don’t do it very often, so go with yours but I’ll share my plan first.

Choose some calming activities: I will plan a movie to watch over the weekend. I don’t watch tv, so this is a simple but big deal for me. Choose a book to read for just a little bit each day. Set up a date. Plan a meal where you don’t cook and clean up! Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Invite someone to go with you and just enjoy the conversation. Get a journal to write in. Get an adult coloring book or puzzle to do.

Social Self Care

This can be apart of any of the other things you do before school starts! Just make sure to get some socializing in because you may be too busy or too tired to socialize.

Set up an activity or outting to look forward to with some else. Something big or small. Plan it a couple weeks into the school year, just so it is not directly the first week. Plus you’ll be more likely to not tell yourself “I am too tired.”

I like to invite friends to do my ME activity or pedicure with me because we get to chat. Invite a friend to go grocery shopping with you and/or meal planning together!

Plan something in advance, so you never get to planning it out of exhaustion.

Depending on you and your life, consider if there’s any emotional or spiritual self care you need to do before school starts. ❤️

3. Shop and Stock

Obviously, only do what you financially can do, but if I can alleviate one less thing to stress about, I will because I need it!

Shop for your pantry! Check your pantry… RIGHT NOW! 😳🤣 Jk but seriously, you will thank me for this! Check the following items to make sure they are in stock for the month after school starts! Order from your place (Sams Club, Costco, Amazon, Walmart) and stock it, so you don’t have to stress remembering later or running out.

Clearly, the above items are more essential items and will get taken care of even if I have to run to the store right then, BUT there are a few more items that I need to make sure I am stocked on as well that I will not go to the store for (or even order online). I am more apt to go without than to sit down and order when I have too many other things to do and think about.

I need to make sure my personal care items are stocked so I don’t go without and then I have in the back of my mind that I need to get something (added stress 😫).

If I can’t get the product in a Walmart pick up or drop off order then I most likely need to order it in advance in stock. For example, I have certain skin care products that I really love and I need to make sure I have that on hand. I use the Renew and Repair silver collagen liquid for skin renewal every evening, so I don’t want to run out. The link above should give you 25% off, but if not use CALLMEJESS!

I also check my makeup stock because I use PiperBlue organic makeup because it’s the best cream makeup. It blends beautifully and is not greasy! Use CALLMEJESS to save on that too!

OOOOOOHHHH… one more stock up:

TREATS 🤣 Yep, I need to make sure I have my fave treats… I’ve earned them. 🤣👏🏼

Hopefully you can find some meat deals, but if not buy at bulk at Sam’s Club or Costco!

4. Meal Prep

Ok this is a must especially if you’re like me and not a very big fan of cooking anyways!

Pick your meats (or multiple meats) and get going! Check out my Freezer Meal plan. It’s not overwhelming list like I see all over Pinterest. Too much for my overloaded brain already. I just put my favorites and the ones that are actually easy for me… oh and the ones my kids will eat. 🤪 Well, and me! 🤣 I keep things basic.


5. A Good Clean

Messes and dirtiness adds to my anxiety. If I’m already feeling stressed of being a dirty house is not going to help it at all.

We do a Summer Clean Up day! The kids get a few specific chores that need to be done. We turn on the Disney playlist and get to work. The easiest way for me to do the chores is shared in this blogpost !

If there is a specific spot in my house that I know seriously needs to be organized for my sanity I take care of that before school starts as well! Like the junk drawer, that’s what I really need to do this year. 🤪🤣

I don’t pay for a cleaner, but if you do now is a good time!

2024 prep for this teacher!

Need a guide sheet to keep you on track?? Ok, I needed a notes sheet for my brain. 🤪In case you do too, download it below.

This is what I created to help me make a plan! Download and use this! If you want to share with me how you’re taking care of you this start of the school year, tag me when you share a story/posy or DM me what you’re doing. I’m happy to cheer you on! ❤️👏🏼

Click download below:

Check out The 1st Week of School Teacher Prep blogpost!

There are certain things I do for the first couple days of school so although they are prep, I consider them slightly different and very important! ❤️

This was such a positive feedback shared about this post, so sharing it here as a thank you!


Have a Great School Year!