Book Review

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I love this book written by Divya Mohan. I love it for my kids at home, but also my students at school! ❤️ This is the perfect keepsake book for 2020 as well because it is something our children LIVED through.

This story tells about a child who has their birthday during a pandemic and the lockdown. 😞 This is brand new for the children and yet they are so positive!

It is a sweet story about still being able to talk to their friend and still show they love her on her birthday!

Not only is it a story that connects to them, but it also teaches kids about germs and how to fight them. 🙌🏼 If we are honest, we know some kids rush through washing hands because they don’t really understand WHY they need to use soap and warm water. Fight the Germs addresses killing germs the right (only) way 😉!

My kids could connect to the story about birthdays because they had a handful of friends who had birthdays. We wished them happy birthday and did a car parade blasting a hip hop birthday song. 😂

I mentioned this being a cute keepsake. This was an experience I am sure my kids won’t forget 😒, but I can help them focus on what was great about it. There were lots of good things that changed or we got to try. However, since it’s a keepsake I do also want to remember and talk about what was the hardest part of the pandemic for them. ❤️

What special conversations I could have with my kids that although there was some negatives and worries, there was some definite positives.

I wrote their positive and negative on the back inside cover of the book They can look back and remember. When they have children, their children can come over and we can share stories about it. ❤️

My favorite part was that I actually SLOWED DOWN in my life and just enjoyed my time with my family. Number one new thing for us was my children and I started watching Smile Squad and their videos are our favorite. I never took the time for videos like that (or any videos 🤣). We will continue to enjoy these fun videos together. Thank you pandemic for a new fun activity. 🥰

What was hard? I missed seeing my students and my dancers, and I was really bummed about baseball not starting!

Fight the Germs is a great review for my kids about the situation, but has also become a keepsake for us to remember 2020. 🥰 You can order it on Amazon as an eBook or soft cover!

I would seriously love to hear about the best part of the pandemic for you and/or your family? ❤️ Please leave a comment about a positive that came out of the pandemic. 🥰

Check out the Teacher Fight the Germs blog post about how I used this book in my kindergarten classroom! But it’s not just for kindergarteners. 😉👌🏼

Check out her author pages 🥰

Facebook and IG: @authordivyamohan
Amazon Author page