I absolutely love my adventure pack. Well actually I have 2 packs because I have two different kinds. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you’d rather watch a YouTube video about what’s in my bag then that enjoy the video, but if you’d like to read about it keep going below!

You can use any bags but this is the bag closest to the one in the video: similar bag with zippers instead of pockets on the hanging part! Mine is older. ๐Ÿ˜‰


One of the packs is primarily for In The Sun Fun (like water adventures.) This pack has a main focus on items that my family would need for being in the sun especially water friendly or a necessity items.


1. BAND AIDS: waterproof or very good quality bandaids are a must when near water. I also get the Absolute Waterproof Tape to put over the bandaid or use if bandaids won’t work.

2. SUNSCREEN: I have 2 sunscreens for the body (my family uses spray and lotion depending on where we are and how long we will be there.) I also put face sunscreen stick because that’s always nice for the face instead of lotion. I also had it in a make up brush to apply the lotion because I have to keep reapplying lotion and then eating a snack and getting a taste of sunscreen. Plus I just don’t like it all over my hands.

3. CHAPSTICK: you always need Chapstick when spending the day in the sun! My favorite is It’s All Good Coconut organic lip balm. Use CALLMEJESS10 to save. These are seriously amazing and especially in the summer.

4. LAVENDER OIL: lavender oil is supposed to be very relaxing and good for after being in the sun. I like to put a couple drops on kids for the drive home to help them relax. If we’ve been in the sun then I like to use a roller and put the oil on their shoulders or other parts they may need.

5. LOTION: Coconut hydrate lotion is my favorite for a long day in the sun because it has the coconut oil in it. Coconut oil is very hydrating for your skin.

6. ANTISEPTIC FOAMING CLEANSER and OTHER FIRST AIDE ITEMS: I like the foaming cleanser better than the little tube because I can just put the foam on let it do it’s magic and not freak out the kids by touching with a gel. Anti-ice cream comes in handy whenever you’re at the lake and the mosquitoes decided to show up!

7. BANDAGE ITEMS: I have a little Band-Aid hit with multiple sizes it was a travel size I found at a grocery store and I just love it so I just refill it with the sizes I need! Sometimes you can’t use a Band-Aid in water or you need to make sure a cut is not left open, so I like to have a liquid bandage available. I also have Band-Aids patient need to take the dogs on but I also used to pay for everything else too!

8. POCKET KNIFE: Seems like every time I am out I need nail clippers, scissors, nail file, or a mini knife. This pocket knife is compact and has exactly what I need.

9. BABY POWDER: Baby powder is seriously amazing for going to the water/beach! Baby powder helps remove sand easier! I do not go to water fun without it. We use it to clean off hands for eating, clean off feet for going on the towels or to put shoes on.

10. AQUAPHOR: I am actually an obsessed with this stuff ever since I had my first baby and used it on diaper rashes. But then I was using it for everything else: works great of dry and chapped skin, my burns and any type of “owies”. So this perfect little size is great for travel easy to refill with a bigger one at homeSo this perfect little size is great for travel easy to refill with a bigger one at home!

11. ALLERGY ITEMS: I always like to have a pill or two for adults and children! I also like to throw in my nose spray and my eyedrops!

12. MIRACLE STICK: The miracle stick is new this year! It is meant to help put on after sunburns, itchy skin, dry skin and calluses. I’m excited about this new addition. (CALLMEJESS10 to save on it)

13. FLOSS: sure you might need it to floss your teeth but I can’t even say how many times I needed something that I could tie with it doesn’t need to be very big but sometimes you just need something to tie what is the job done majority of the time!

14. HAIR TIES: A lot of times I will forget to grab my hair tie and I’m just wearing my hair down for the day. And sometimes were in such a rush to leave that I don’t do a braid or anything with my daughters hair so having some readily in my bag I can quickly do something! Along with ties, I absolutely love my hair tie cutter! After playing in the water, the hair ties can be painful to get out and the cutter just makes it quick, simple and painless!

15. HAIR COMBS: I have a regular and a pointed comb. In the video I had forgotten to put back in my mini hairbrush, but I love a wet brush for after being in the water. Playing in the water the hair ties can be hard to get out and the cutter just makes it quick and simple and painless!

16. WIPES: sometimes I have the travel size baby wipes, but since I don’t have anyone in diapers, flushable wipes are good. Just don’t get cleaning wipes and try to use them on your body! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

17. LOTION: I just like to have a travel or smaller size in this pack. Whenever you wanna shine she typically need lotion.

18. OTHER ITEMS to consider: deodorant, bubbles (for everyone’s sanity), pen, markers, teeth pickers, glasses tool kit, tissues, bug spray.

I love having this pack already ready to go!! I can even ask one of my kids to grab it and toss it in my bag or in the trunk. Usually in summer, it just stays in my trunk though.


This pack is great for any and all adventures without needing a focus on sun or water items. Are use this one at Sam’s competitions baseball game and a trip to places like the farm!

Dispatch contains a lot of it above items but in a smaller quantity! I have mini sunscreen, Chapstick, lotion, a pack of Band-Aids, hair comb/ties, nail file, and kid items to keep them happy!

If you items I have in this pack for kids are mini bubbles, no-spill bubbles, mini playdo, plastic crayon box, and fidget toys.

I hope you find this idea helpful in your life!!

Happy parenting. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ feel free to subscribe via email, like my Facebook page for post updates, and/or follow along on YouTube or Instagram You Can Call Me Jess!