Welcome to my blog! Thank you for stopping by!

I started this blog in 2019 when Covid hit because I finally had a little bit of time to start a blog that I wanted to for the last 10+ years!

My website title is YOU CAN CALL ME JESS because there’s lots of other labels you can call me! I wanted to share the following things here: mom hacks and ideas, teacher resources and lessons, dance teacher and dance mom helps, and I pretty much anything I love. ❤️ I share personal challenges and growth in hopes of helping someone else. ❤️

I have enjoyed sharing my style and fave clothing pieces on Instagram @youcancallme__jess so if you would like the link and discount codes to my favorite places to shop at click here! 🥰

I also love sharing my love of teaching, and hope to bring positivity to teachers on Instagram so I started my teacher page @youcancallme_teacher I also share my teachers resources there, but have tabs here for more information to help teachers be successful!

I have not been super active in sharing my dance help as I have not had as much time to put that together but when I do I will be sharing on Instagram under @youcancallme_dancer

I love everything I do and hope these help you and your family love a happy and great life. ❤️

Subscribe for email updates below or send me an email to youcancallmejess4@gmail.com