2014 Christmas Card: Tball Ornaments
Ok this is one of my favorites as well and now that my kids are older I really would love to repeat this idea. My boys were 4 and 1 years old. My oldest son had just started tball and I thought it was the cutest thing ever, so the idea came!
I found some plain raglan shirts (which is my favorite style) with red sleeves and had a friend make the back of the shirts with our last name and a large age number on their back. So when I look back, I get to see how my boys were 1 and 4. I just love it.
She had actually made the shirts with the number/ages on the wrong sizes, so I had to re-buy the shirts and she put on a Christmas picture for them on the front. So they had 2 Christmas raglan tees and we weren’t complaining.
My boys played “T-ball” with ornaments and I snapped a photo shoot. I literally let them hit the ornaments off the tee. We threw ornaments to each other. I loved these pictures.
For our neighbor gifts, I made cake ball ornaments.

Christmas Card: T-ball Ornament Pictures
Neighbor Gifts: Cake Ball Ornaments