During spring time, I bring out the treat bag!! šŸ‘šŸ¼ This idea works for ALL SPORTS AND SEASONS, but I reference baseball because that is our sport.

I have tried so many different bags over my 8 years of being a baseball mom. This one is my favorite bc itā€™s organized and the kids donā€™t have to pull out everything to see what they want.

I use this primarily for my baseball days however, as a dance mom if Iā€™m going to spend a long time at competition and I want all the team members to have some yummy treats all theyā€™re spending their day at dance competition. This would be a great one to bring as well to dance.

Iā€™m a baseball mom and we are in constant need of snacks at baseball games!! a lot of times baseball is during dinner time and although we might eat before something or meter may have to be after the games, we definitely need snacks at the games.

The concession is always an exciting place to go and will definitely drain your wallet really fast with little ones. Itā€™s so easy to just buy the treat so the little will sit nicely and not cry about the special treat. then you can enjoy the game and itā€™s just easier than dealing with a tantrum.

But the concession stand adds up quickly, especially if you have multiple children.

And yes, momā€™s will bring snacks to try to help with that concession stand expense. However, it doesnā€™t always work. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜©

So my #1 tip for surviving the concession stand spending is to create a treat bag full of the snacks that you wouldnā€™t normally have at home! And, of course, some of the snacks that you know will be in the concession stand!

My Go to Treats!

When youā€™re filling your treat bag keep in mind if youā€™re going to have hot games, youā€™re not going to want chocolate in this bag! Youā€™re going to want to fill in your bag with the chocolate at the time of going, not leave it in your vehicle!! or you had the chocolate to your cooler!

Extra tip! Instead of buying two treats, and filling the bag with just those items, I like to purchase around 4 treats and splitting those into the bag half of it goes into the bag and the other half gets stored away in a separate container. That way thereā€™s a variety of the treats and I wonā€™t need to buy more (hopefully šŸ¤Ŗ)

My Mom Tip

Extra Ways to Save $

1. Valentine Candy discount sale! After Valentineā€™s Day, I shop their sales and get the candy I donā€™t normally get that will still be yummy (not old) for baseball season. (Fun Dips and Ring Pops are usually what I get in the sale!)

2. Same sale idea but with Easter candy! These ones are fresher candy items. The Easter rice crispy treats are a great example for a treat thatā€™s on sale and can be taken to baseball/dance!

3. Costco and Samā€™s Club sale in bulk which means itā€™ll last all season! (Just use my tip to save some for later in the season.)

4. Amazon doesnā€™t have sales, but some of their mixes and big packs are good prices for those specialty types of candy!

I hope you use this idea for your sport season! ā¤ļø Or family outings!

Follow for more ideas and tips to help you in your BUSY MOM LIFE! 

Other Baseball Mom Hack and Ideas!